Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Time

Yeah Christmas time! It has been such a wonderful time being home with the family and watching the kiddos get so excited for Santa. Chris and I have had some time off work so we have had a lot of family time and it was just what we needed! Christmas Eve we went over to my parents house and the kids had a blast with their cousins. My mom has always gotten the kids Christmas jammies and they love to put them on before we open presents. They always look so cute in them and they want to wear them for the next three weeks straight. Then it was back home to get ready for Santa. The kids put out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer and then it was off to bed. On Christmas morning the kids woke to some pretty cool gifts! Samantha got a pink GT Mustang that she can drive herself and she has driven it all over the house. While Jack got a shiny new blue Trek bike. Man were they excited! They played all day with all of their wonderful gifts they received the night before and their Santa presents. On Saturday it was off to Al and Jeanne's to see the other cousins and more presents! All the kids had a lot of fun together and we think our kiddos don't need another thing for a long time! To see the smiles on their faces was all worth it! Hope everyone had a great holiday, I think its going to take me a couple weeks to get the house back in order :0)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Crazy Week

Man is December flying by! We started the week with making our gingerbread house for the neighborhood Christmas party, always a favorite. It turned out pretty good this year, but man can it be a lot of Mommy work! Then on Wednesday night Samantha had her sleep study and had to sleep over night at Children's hospital. She did very well and slept for them, but Mommy didn't get much sleep :0) We should know the results next week. Next up was the neighborhood Christmas party and book exchange for the kiddos. Such a fun night for everyone, we adopt a family in need and buy Christmas gifts for them. It was neat to see the kids really get into the Christmas spirit for others. Daddy had already had a busy week and then got called into work for a long eleven hours on his day off...we missed him needless to say! Lastly we tried to sqeeze in time to see Santa! The kiddos were so sweet, they climbed up next to Santa and told him what they wanted and Samantha even told him she would start keeping her room clean yeah! Jack has been off school since December first and I think he is done with us! Such great kiddos!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What a Day!

Well what I thought was going to be a quiet fun day with the kiddos turned out to be just a crazy day! We enjoyed the morning with Daddy making us all breakfast and just hanging out and then it was time to get the kiddos cleaned up because we were going to have the kiddos pictures taken later on that night. Jack was going to go to his science class while I got Samantha all beautified. Well that's when our day changed. Jack and Samantha were in the shower together when Samantha started to cry because she had soap in her eyes. When I opened the door to help all I could see was her face covered in blood. Upon further inspection she had a cut on the top of her head from the shaving cream bottle falling on her head. So off to the doctor we went and he decided that she needed stitches. She was such a trooper, only crying a little bit when he gave her a shot to numb her head. I was so proud of her and she even wanted to get her pictures done. So after three stitches in her head, and poor Jack being there the whole time and being a little scared himself they took adorable pictures! This was definitely a day for the memory books :0)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mustangs Football

Wow what a year Jack's football team had. They went into the season being the smallest team in the league by size with no patched members (kids over 70 pounds) and came out in the second round of playoffs! They fought hard this weekend and ended up havng to play two games. Our guys were sore, but man did they fight hard. Chris and I are so proud of our "little" guy because it was his first year of tackle football and he is night and day from when he started in August. He went up against kids that were a good twenty pounds heavier than he was most of the time and he came out on top. There is something so amazing about watching your child succeed even when they lose. Jack loved the game of football from the time he was little, he now has a passion for it that will be fun to watch in the future. Now its time for a little down time and then its off to the batting cages to get ready for baseball season :0) We are so proud of Jack! Watch out Bulldogs, the Mustangs are coming back stronger next year! GO MUSTANGS!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

Man we all were a little scared that the kiddos would not get to go trick or treating after school closing for three days and twenty five inches of snow had fallen. But the show must go on and the day actually ended up being beautiful! The kiddos got all dressed up in their jailbird costume and Minnie Mouse and away they went. The night was filled with friends, great costumes, and lots of smiles! It is always so much fun to see the costumes that come to the door, but it is even better when you go trick or treating and people have great comments for your kiddos. Jack and Samantha had another great Halloween. Its hard to believe its November though! Where does the time go......

Friday, October 30, 2009

Time to Carve

There is nothing better at this time of year than finding the perfect pumpkin to carve. Jack and Samantha love to see who can find the best pumpkin or the strangest shaped pumpkin to carve. This year we were a little busy and had to go to the little pumpkin patch instead of the big one due to our football schedule. I think we got some great pumpkins though and the kids loved how they turned out. The best part was seeing Samantha's face when she pulled the pumpkin guts out and watching the determination on Jack's face as he completed his pumpkin. Since we were buried in snow here in Colorado it was a perfect night to carve pumpkins! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and warm up so the little ones can enjoy Halloween night. Can't wait to see them in their costumes!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


When we woke up Wednesday morning to our great surprise was a nice white blanket of snow before our eyes. The kiddos were so excited because it was the first true snowfall of the year. So when it was time to dig out a little bit the kiddos jumped at the idea to go play in the snow. We bundled them all up in their snow gear and off they went. They loved jumping in the big snow drifts and they even had a nice snowball fight! There is nothing better than fresh snow and the kiddos had a lot of fun. Now it is not suppose to stop snowing for the rest of Wednesday and it is suppose to continue on through Thursday so we will get another snow day on Thursday. That means sledding is in our future for sure! My native California boy is not as excited as his native Colorado peeps :0) Until tomorrow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gotta love Halloween!

Well Halloween isn't just for the young. All the adults of the block have a Hallowen party every year. This year the theme for the party was Rock Stars so Chris and I did our best to come up with costumes that no one else would else would come as. We decided on Slash for Chris and Amy Winehouse for me. We started the day with Jack winning his football game and then it was off to a neighbors house to pool babysitters and then it was time to get ready for the party. We had such a great time with our friends. It was nice to have some down time and get in some good laughs. I love this time of year soooo much! Chris and I enjoyed our costumes this year and we think they came out pretty good. Let us know what you think :0) Happy Haunting!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So I think we just flew through the months of August and September here at the Sloan household so we will try to catch eeryone up on what has been going on. Jack started tackle football and he loves it! It is so much fun to watch him now because they actually get the game and have positions. Samantha turned 3 and started preschool. Yes she seems so little, but she too is enjoying school now. She also started dance and wants to go back to gymnastics. We will see how we can fit all that in :0) Chris and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary in September! We feel like it was just yesterday that we walked down the aisle, but at the same time we feel such a sense of accomplishment because of all that we've been through and what we have now! These last two months have absolutely flown by and we can't believe we are picking out Halloween costumes already. We love the fall time here in Colorado and hope for a long fall season! Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Big Leaguer

Jack's baseball team was invited to come be on the field before a Rockiees game to represent the baseball teams in Highlands Ranch. He was so excited because he got to walk on the field and see the big leaguers! He looked so cute down on the field and it was really neat to see him taking it all in. It was also Samantha's first Rockies game and she loved all the music and the cotton candy of course :0) It is always wonderful to see your children in their element and truly feel confident and content! Jack will always be our Big Leaguer! To top off the day the Rockies were behind in the ninth inning and they came back to win the game 8-7! Everybody loves baseball!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July

We love to celebrate the Fourth of July and this year was a lot of fun. The weather here in Colorado has been a little off. We have had a lot of rain storms and tornado watches so off course it had to rain on the Fourth. We had to wait out the rain a little bit, but once it clear we were outside lighting off some fireworks. All the kids had a great time with their sparklers and just hanging out. The night was was perfect with good company and smiling happy kids! Its always good to take some time and remember how it all started and the Fourth makes you do that. Hope eveyone had a great Fourth of July and everyone was safe!