Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Crazy Week

Man is December flying by! We started the week with making our gingerbread house for the neighborhood Christmas party, always a favorite. It turned out pretty good this year, but man can it be a lot of Mommy work! Then on Wednesday night Samantha had her sleep study and had to sleep over night at Children's hospital. She did very well and slept for them, but Mommy didn't get much sleep :0) We should know the results next week. Next up was the neighborhood Christmas party and book exchange for the kiddos. Such a fun night for everyone, we adopt a family in need and buy Christmas gifts for them. It was neat to see the kids really get into the Christmas spirit for others. Daddy had already had a busy week and then got called into work for a long eleven hours on his day off...we missed him needless to say! Lastly we tried to sqeeze in time to see Santa! The kiddos were so sweet, they climbed up next to Santa and told him what they wanted and Samantha even told him she would start keeping her room clean yeah! Jack has been off school since December first and I think he is done with us! Such great kiddos!

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