Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What a Day!

Well what I thought was going to be a quiet fun day with the kiddos turned out to be just a crazy day! We enjoyed the morning with Daddy making us all breakfast and just hanging out and then it was time to get the kiddos cleaned up because we were going to have the kiddos pictures taken later on that night. Jack was going to go to his science class while I got Samantha all beautified. Well that's when our day changed. Jack and Samantha were in the shower together when Samantha started to cry because she had soap in her eyes. When I opened the door to help all I could see was her face covered in blood. Upon further inspection she had a cut on the top of her head from the shaving cream bottle falling on her head. So off to the doctor we went and he decided that she needed stitches. She was such a trooper, only crying a little bit when he gave her a shot to numb her head. I was so proud of her and she even wanted to get her pictures done. So after three stitches in her head, and poor Jack being there the whole time and being a little scared himself they took adorable pictures! This was definitely a day for the memory books :0)

1 comment:

Kara said...

Oh the poor sweetie! What a tough little girl! These pictures are so great...what beautiful children you guys ya!