Thursday, October 29, 2009


When we woke up Wednesday morning to our great surprise was a nice white blanket of snow before our eyes. The kiddos were so excited because it was the first true snowfall of the year. So when it was time to dig out a little bit the kiddos jumped at the idea to go play in the snow. We bundled them all up in their snow gear and off they went. They loved jumping in the big snow drifts and they even had a nice snowball fight! There is nothing better than fresh snow and the kiddos had a lot of fun. Now it is not suppose to stop snowing for the rest of Wednesday and it is suppose to continue on through Thursday so we will get another snow day on Thursday. That means sledding is in our future for sure! My native California boy is not as excited as his native Colorado peeps :0) Until tomorrow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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