Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So I think we just flew through the months of August and September here at the Sloan household so we will try to catch eeryone up on what has been going on. Jack started tackle football and he loves it! It is so much fun to watch him now because they actually get the game and have positions. Samantha turned 3 and started preschool. Yes she seems so little, but she too is enjoying school now. She also started dance and wants to go back to gymnastics. We will see how we can fit all that in :0) Chris and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary in September! We feel like it was just yesterday that we walked down the aisle, but at the same time we feel such a sense of accomplishment because of all that we've been through and what we have now! These last two months have absolutely flown by and we can't believe we are picking out Halloween costumes already. We love the fall time here in Colorado and hope for a long fall season! Hope everyone is doing well!

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