Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rascal Flatts

It has been a busy week for Chris and I with work, but the weather here is trying to get a little warmer. The next week is suppose to be in the 70s and things will hopefully be slower for us both. The kiddos are doing great, Jack is loving school and is looking forward to spirit week next week. Samantha is growing more and more every day and getting to be such a big girl! She is very independant and gives Jack a run for his money every chance she gets. This weekend my wonderful hubby got my friend and I Rascal Flatts tickets and what an amazing show! We were down on the floor about ten rows back and the stage was circular so there wasn't a bad seat in the house. We had a lot of fun and Chris and the kiddos had a fun night together as well. Its hard to believe that we are already into March! That means spring is around the corner! YEAH!

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