Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I took the kiddos to Arts on Fire which is a paint your own pottery place. Jack chose to paint a penguin and Samantha chose to paint a butterfly. They got so into picking their colors and cleaning off their pieces and then the masterpieces could begin. Samantha wanted a purple butterfly so she began with the eyes. Jack on the other hand wanted a black and blue penguin with green eyes. They both worked very hard on their pieces and I think they turned out great. At the end it was hard for Samantha to understand why we had to leave her butterfly there for them to cook it and she could not bring it home to show daddy. It was a fun day though and we can go back next week and pick up their finished masterpieces.

1 comment:

Kim said...

How Fun! Looks like you guys had a great time...Hope you are all staying warm..How much snow did you guys get?we got 14" here!
