Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

This whole week has been spirit week for Jack at school. He has been so excited to participate in all the fun activities that it was so cute to see Samantha get excited as well. Jack wanted to have a green mohawk for crazy hair day so of course it was off to the party store for green hair paint. While Samantha and I were there she decided that she wanted to color her hair as well and chose a lovely shade of purple. Now Jack was going to school where all the other children were going to have crazy colored hair. Samantha on the other hand was going to a play date and hanging out with mom all day where no one else had colored hair. She looked so cute and she was so proud of herself to be like the "big" kids. Jack was a great big brother, as usual, because even though it was his day he shared it with her and made her feel like one of the gang. Jack's mohawk turned out pretty cool and he is now trying to decide what pajamas to where for pj day. Oh the dilemmas of a seven year old :0)

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