Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I took the kiddos to Arts on Fire which is a paint your own pottery place. Jack chose to paint a penguin and Samantha chose to paint a butterfly. They got so into picking their colors and cleaning off their pieces and then the masterpieces could begin. Samantha wanted a purple butterfly so she began with the eyes. Jack on the other hand wanted a black and blue penguin with green eyes. They both worked very hard on their pieces and I think they turned out great. At the end it was hard for Samantha to understand why we had to leave her butterfly there for them to cook it and she could not bring it home to show daddy. It was a fun day though and we can go back next week and pick up their finished masterpieces.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gotta love GREEN!

We had to share some fun pics from our St. Patty's Day party. We decided since everyone and everything is sooo stressed out in this world that we needed to smile with friends and forget about everything for a night! So we sent out the emails and the party was on! The one rule for the party was if you did not have green on somewhere that you could not get in until you found some green. Everyone played along and it was a great time to laugh and just have fun with friends! Hope everyone enjoyed some green beer as well :0)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pool Time

We enjoy going to the pool as a family and the kids love it because in the middle of the indoor pool is a slide and water fixtures and they just have so much fun. Jack loves to go in the lazy river and go across the log ropes. He is getting really good at them! Samantha loves to go in the warm pool and just float, she is pretty confident in the water and loves to splash. It is always a relaxing night when we head to the pool so we try to do it often. Now that it is warming up we can spend more time there. Yeah spring is coming and we can start going outside more!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Crazy Hair Day

This whole week has been spirit week for Jack at school. He has been so excited to participate in all the fun activities that it was so cute to see Samantha get excited as well. Jack wanted to have a green mohawk for crazy hair day so of course it was off to the party store for green hair paint. While Samantha and I were there she decided that she wanted to color her hair as well and chose a lovely shade of purple. Now Jack was going to school where all the other children were going to have crazy colored hair. Samantha on the other hand was going to a play date and hanging out with mom all day where no one else had colored hair. She looked so cute and she was so proud of herself to be like the "big" kids. Jack was a great big brother, as usual, because even though it was his day he shared it with her and made her feel like one of the gang. Jack's mohawk turned out pretty cool and he is now trying to decide what pajamas to where for pj day. Oh the dilemmas of a seven year old :0)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rascal Flatts

It has been a busy week for Chris and I with work, but the weather here is trying to get a little warmer. The next week is suppose to be in the 70s and things will hopefully be slower for us both. The kiddos are doing great, Jack is loving school and is looking forward to spirit week next week. Samantha is growing more and more every day and getting to be such a big girl! She is very independant and gives Jack a run for his money every chance she gets. This weekend my wonderful hubby got my friend and I Rascal Flatts tickets and what an amazing show! We were down on the floor about ten rows back and the stage was circular so there wasn't a bad seat in the house. We had a lot of fun and Chris and the kiddos had a fun night together as well. Its hard to believe that we are already into March! That means spring is around the corner! YEAH!