Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Big Leaguer

Jack's baseball team was invited to come be on the field before a Rockiees game to represent the baseball teams in Highlands Ranch. He was so excited because he got to walk on the field and see the big leaguers! He looked so cute down on the field and it was really neat to see him taking it all in. It was also Samantha's first Rockies game and she loved all the music and the cotton candy of course :0) It is always wonderful to see your children in their element and truly feel confident and content! Jack will always be our Big Leaguer! To top off the day the Rockies were behind in the ninth inning and they came back to win the game 8-7! Everybody loves baseball!

1 comment:

Joni & Steve said...

Sounds like a great day of baseball! So neat. It was so wonderful to have you here for the wedding and what an adorable flowergirl princess!!!! Love from Nebraska!