Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day/Chris' Birthday

Happy Valentine's Day! For us it is not just Valentine's day, but also Chris' birthday. Yes he is quite the little cupid! For the day we just spent some family time together just hanging out and then it was off to dinner to celebrate. He chose a Mexican restaurant and yes we went to Target afterwards. How can you go wrong there. Afterwards it was back home to finish off with a cake for Daddy. Hopefully Chris made a great wish that will come true soon. We love this day because it is all about love and with love it does not matter what material things you have because as long as we have one another that is all that matters! On this day we wish you all love and feel very blessed that we have all of you in our lives. We love you all!


Kim said...

Happy Birthday,Chris! Hope you had a great day!

KKF said...

Happy Birthday Chris! We love you guys too!!!