Friday, February 6, 2009

Still crazy busy!

Yes we are still busy here! Let's see, Samantha was suppose to get her cast off, but when they took it off her arm was not healed so they put her back in a cast. UGH! Jack lost another tooth so he has no front teeth now and is having a difficult time eating apples. Man he looks so cute though! The weather here has been so nice that the kiddos have enjoyed getting out and finally getting some vitamin D. It's not going to last much longer though since we are suppose to get snow on Sunday :0) Maybe we will get some sledding in then. Chris is still busy as ever and putting in a lot of hours, but he loves it. I as well am going, going, but so are all of you I am sure. Hang in there in everyone and enjoy the little things! (Like date night on Saturday, yeah!)

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