Friday, November 21, 2008

Two Year Pics

Ok I know it took a little longer than usual, but I finally got Samantha's two year old pictures taken. They were worth the wait because we think they turned out great. It was actually the very first photo shoot of her life that she smiled from the very beginning all the way to the end. She was a lot of fun this time and it truly shows in her pictures. Hopefully she will do the same for Christmas pictures with Jack :0)


Kim said...

Those turned out so cute! I love them! She is so photogenic!

Kara said...

What a cutie! Where did you get them taken? They did a great job of capturing her smiles.

Just Us said...

Looking at Samantha--I want a girl!!! She is to die for in that flower hat. Jack is so cute too! I love the grown up hair. He looks like a very smart young boy. Is he still reading tummies? He was right on Kara's last baby.
Happy Thanksgiving! Kamber

Just Us said...

Can Jack read Katie's tummy through the blog? When she gets bigger we will send pictures!