Sunday, November 9, 2008

Avalanche Hockey Game

Jack's school sold Avalanche tickets for a reduced price so we thought this would be a great time for Jack to go to his first Avalanche game. Now he has been to many hockey games, but not an NHL game. He is a BIG hockey fan and we kept it a secret from him all week, but we told him that we had something special planned for him. On the night of the game he was about to explode, so at dinner Chris and I finally broke down and told him he was going to an Avalanche game. He was so excited and was grinning from ear to ear. We had such a wonderful night! The Avalanche won the game 1-0 and we got to see lots of action. The seats weren't that great, but to see Jack so happy was well worth the not so great seats! GO AVS!

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