Monday, November 28, 2011

We are thankful...

Its hard to believe it is the end of November and we are celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner. We have had a great year, but man has it gone by fast! Here it is Thanksgiving time and we need to stop and say what we are most thankful for. Each of the kiddos made a turkey with what they were thankful for, Samamtha started with her family and ended with her best friend Leah. It was so sweet to hear her celebrate her friendship with Leah because she adores her so much. They are two peas in a pod when they are together and I hope it is a friendship that goes on forever. Jack was also thankful for his family and he made sure to celebrate his love for baseball. Since the day he could walk we think he loved the game of baseball. He is looking forward to spring season and can't wait to start practicing with his teammates. We as well are thankful for our family and friends who make this fast moving life a lot of fun to live! Enjoy one another and show those you love your heart!

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