Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kenny Chesney

For the last couple years Jack has been bugging us about going to a concert and we have always told him they are too loud and he has to be older. So when Kenny Chesney decided to come to Denver and it was at Red Rocks, an outdoor venue, we knew we had to make it happen for him. Chris went on the hunt to get tickets, which was tough because his first show sold out in seconds so they added two other shows and thankfully he found some! We did not tell Jack about the tickets, we just told him we were having a special night with him. We sent Samantha over to Mimi and Pa's for the night and away we went. As we pulled in to the parking lot of Red Rocks Jack said, "Isn't this the place where all the concerts are?" Once he looked around the secret was no more and the biggest smile came over his face. He could not believe we brought him to Kenny Chesney. It was an amazing night with a lot of rain, but it was well worth it to watch him be in awe and sing along to every song. Kenny closed the night with the song "The Boys of Fall" Jack's favorite song about football. It was such a great night and a moment we will remember forever!

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