Monday, February 21, 2011

Jack's 9th Birthday

For Jack's ninth birthday he wanted to go to Benihana's with the family. We all met at Benihana's and the fun began. They brought hats for the kiddos and drinks for the adults :0) We had a great chef, he played with the kids and he did lots of tricks. Jack and Blake even caught some food from a long toss from the cook. It was a lot of food for everyone, but it was so good. All the adults had forgotten how much fun Benihana's is and we were just as excited to be there. Jack was spoiled as usual with all the presents. He has been saving up his money to get an ipod touch so Chris and I made a deal with him to save as much as he could and then we would cover the rest. Well he did it and he got his ipod touch. We were very proud of him! It was a great night, but we still can't believe he is nine!

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