Monday, February 21, 2011

Jack's 9th Birthday

For Jack's ninth birthday he wanted to go to Benihana's with the family. We all met at Benihana's and the fun began. They brought hats for the kiddos and drinks for the adults :0) We had a great chef, he played with the kids and he did lots of tricks. Jack and Blake even caught some food from a long toss from the cook. It was a lot of food for everyone, but it was so good. All the adults had forgotten how much fun Benihana's is and we were just as excited to be there. Jack was spoiled as usual with all the presents. He has been saving up his money to get an ipod touch so Chris and I made a deal with him to save as much as he could and then we would cover the rest. Well he did it and he got his ipod touch. We were very proud of him! It was a great night, but we still can't believe he is nine!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

We love Valentine's day here in the Sloan household. Not only is it the day we celebrate our love for one another, but it is also Chris' birthday. The kids got all their valentines ready and they were off to school wearing their red. Chris and I headed to a kid free lunch together and we got to enjoy one another without being asked a million questions in between :0) Then it was off to the school to take part in the kids Valentine's day parties. Samantha was dressed in her best and enjoyed special treats, while Jack got to make his very own valentine pinata. We lastly enjoyed a family dinner to celebrate Chris' birthday. Can you believe he is 29 again! It was a great day and night and we just love to celebrate February 14th!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kim's 40th Birthday

Kim's 40th birthday was on Saturday the 5th and she asked Chris and I to go to the Avalanche game with her and Allen for her birthday. We met them down at the Pepsi center and got some food before we enjoyed the game. We had seats fourteen rows off the ice and the view of the game was fabulous! It was a great time and Kim was so happy. We only wish the Avalanche would of won the game against the Anaheim Ducks. Thanks so much Kim! We had a great time and its hard to believe Kimmers is 40! Not only that, the day before Kaitlyn turned 14! Where has the time gone?!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Official Snow Day

Well it is the first snow day of the new year and we were sooo happy! It was very cold here in Colorado and the tempatures were in the negatives, -9 to start the day. The kiddos started the day in their jammies and they stayed in them all day. First up was a movie, Samantha picked Toy Story 3, and some hot chocolate. Samantha and Jack curled up on the couch with their pillows and blankets and we enjoyed a fun day of movies and games. When it was time for dinner we made some great homemade chicken noodle soup. Snow days are the best!