Saturday, January 8, 2011

We're Back!

Okay so I know that it has been a long time since I last blogged so I am going to try to catch things up and be better about it in 2011! So the last time I blogged was in August, since then Jack had a football season and did great. The kiddos had a fun Halloween as a vampire and Strawberry Shortcake. Thanksgiving was yummy and then Christmas was warm here and the kiddos were spoiled as always. Samantha finished the year off with three dance recitals and she rocked it out! Jack had his first reconciliation and he will has his first communion in May. New Year's was a lot of fun at the Brassell's celebrating Jason's 40th birthday as well. So that about sums up 2010. Now for 2011 we begin January back at school for the kids and they are so excited to be back! Chris is leaving narcotics and heading back to the road to patrol. Me, still trying to keep the house running and kids where they need to be, people at work happy and most importantly going to do a better job of blogging! We hope everyone is doing well and we miss you lots!

1 comment:

Kara said...

I am glad to hear Chris is out of narcotics...glad to see you back blogging too! We miss you guys!