Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gymnastics Night for the Girls

The "Big" girls have had season tickets to DU gymnastics now for eight years and it is something we look forward to doing. This year is neat because we get to include Samantha in the girls night and she is loving it! She gets so mesmorized by all the showmanship and she dances to all the music. At the end of the meet they always do the Cowboy Cha Cha and let all the kids come down to the floor. Samantha could not wait to bounce on the springy floor and she had a blast. This night was special because she got to meet and get an autograph from Olympic silver medalist Alicia Sacramone. She also picked out her favorite DU gymnast and got her picture taken with her. Samantha likes Brianna the best because they both have the same colored ponytail :0) At the end of the night Samantha asked, "Mommy when I grow up can I be a gymnast?" It made my heart melt to see her enjoying herself so much! Maybe one day we will be cheering her on at her gymnastics meet!

1 comment:

Kara said...

She will make a perfect little gymnastic girl! I hope she does go into that...how cool! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! MISS YOU!!!