Friday, October 30, 2009

Time to Carve

There is nothing better at this time of year than finding the perfect pumpkin to carve. Jack and Samantha love to see who can find the best pumpkin or the strangest shaped pumpkin to carve. This year we were a little busy and had to go to the little pumpkin patch instead of the big one due to our football schedule. I think we got some great pumpkins though and the kids loved how they turned out. The best part was seeing Samantha's face when she pulled the pumpkin guts out and watching the determination on Jack's face as he completed his pumpkin. Since we were buried in snow here in Colorado it was a perfect night to carve pumpkins! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and warm up so the little ones can enjoy Halloween night. Can't wait to see them in their costumes!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


When we woke up Wednesday morning to our great surprise was a nice white blanket of snow before our eyes. The kiddos were so excited because it was the first true snowfall of the year. So when it was time to dig out a little bit the kiddos jumped at the idea to go play in the snow. We bundled them all up in their snow gear and off they went. They loved jumping in the big snow drifts and they even had a nice snowball fight! There is nothing better than fresh snow and the kiddos had a lot of fun. Now it is not suppose to stop snowing for the rest of Wednesday and it is suppose to continue on through Thursday so we will get another snow day on Thursday. That means sledding is in our future for sure! My native California boy is not as excited as his native Colorado peeps :0) Until tomorrow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gotta love Halloween!

Well Halloween isn't just for the young. All the adults of the block have a Hallowen party every year. This year the theme for the party was Rock Stars so Chris and I did our best to come up with costumes that no one else would else would come as. We decided on Slash for Chris and Amy Winehouse for me. We started the day with Jack winning his football game and then it was off to a neighbors house to pool babysitters and then it was time to get ready for the party. We had such a great time with our friends. It was nice to have some down time and get in some good laughs. I love this time of year soooo much! Chris and I enjoyed our costumes this year and we think they came out pretty good. Let us know what you think :0) Happy Haunting!