Thursday, June 11, 2009


We had such an amazing time in California! It was a long over due break for the family and it was nice to have some family time without all the distractions of life. We started our trip off in San Jose and the kids had a great time at the Children's Discovery Museum. Then it was off to San Fransico to stroll the pier with the sealgulls and pigeons. We ventured on to the aquarium where Jack and Samantha touched sting rays and starfish. We walked the pier and went aboard a military cruiser and saw a submarine. It was very interesting to see. Then it was off to the Golden Gate Bridge which Samantha slept through :0) The following day we made our way to Santa Cruz to the boardwalk and the beach. It is always wonderful to see our children running on the beach and not caring about anything else in the world! We finished the trip off in San Jose with Chris taking us down memory lane with all his old houses and schools from when he was young. It was one of the most enjoyable moments for me to see the sparkle in Chris' eye when he talked about some of the memories he has of places he went with Janice. The trip has always been something we wanted to do and we are so glad we finally took the time to make the trip! Can't wait to go back.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Looks like you guys had fun!! I love the picture of the kids on the beach!!