Friday, February 20, 2009

Jack's 7th Birthday

It's hard to believe that our little, big boy is seven years old. It was such an amazing day in 2002 when he was born and now here we are in 2009 and he is even more amazing! He is sweet, nurturing, and he has such a wonderful sense of humor. We feel very blessed to have such an amazing son and we look forward to all the wonderful things he brings to our lives. We celebrated as a family and some friends by having a bowl off at the bowling alley. Jack was quite the bowler and he loved playing air hockey as well. It was a fun night and its always good to see his amazing smile! Happy birthday buddy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day/Chris' Birthday

Happy Valentine's Day! For us it is not just Valentine's day, but also Chris' birthday. Yes he is quite the little cupid! For the day we just spent some family time together just hanging out and then it was off to dinner to celebrate. He chose a Mexican restaurant and yes we went to Target afterwards. How can you go wrong there. Afterwards it was back home to finish off with a cake for Daddy. Hopefully Chris made a great wish that will come true soon. We love this day because it is all about love and with love it does not matter what material things you have because as long as we have one another that is all that matters! On this day we wish you all love and feel very blessed that we have all of you in our lives. We love you all!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Still crazy busy!

Yes we are still busy here! Let's see, Samantha was suppose to get her cast off, but when they took it off her arm was not healed so they put her back in a cast. UGH! Jack lost another tooth so he has no front teeth now and is having a difficult time eating apples. Man he looks so cute though! The weather here has been so nice that the kiddos have enjoyed getting out and finally getting some vitamin D. It's not going to last much longer though since we are suppose to get snow on Sunday :0) Maybe we will get some sledding in then. Chris is still busy as ever and putting in a lot of hours, but he loves it. I as well am going, going, but so are all of you I am sure. Hang in there in everyone and enjoy the little things! (Like date night on Saturday, yeah!)