Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we went to my mom and dad's house for dinner. The kids looked so cute all dressed up for the holidays. They were so excited to open presents and get things ready for Santa to come visit. We got an extra special treat this year, Santa came to our house at ten o'clock at night to see the children! They were so surprised and in awe they did not know what to say. It was so sweet to see Samantha tell Santa to come inside because she had just poured him some milk. Jack looked in his eyes and told him what a good boy he had been and then with that they said good bye to Dasher and Santa was back to delivering presents. The kids were so amazed that they immediately ran upstairs to their beds and it was lights out! It was truly a magical experience.


Kim said...

How Fun! That was so neat that Santa came to your house. Don't tell the girls..They'll be jealous! :) Hope you had a great Christmas..See ya soon...

Auntie Kim

Kara said...

Wow how awesome!
Hope you all had a great Christmas!
Love ya