Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We started the day off at Al and Jeanne's with Kim and the girls. It was great to see everyone and let the kids play. Then it was off to my mom and dad's house and it was a nice surprise to have my brother and Lisa show up from Pueblo late in the night. It was a fun day for all, but the kiddos were exhausted on the drive home and went right to bed! We miss everyone and we hope you all enjoyed one another. We are thankful for you all! Happy Turkey Day!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Two Year Pics

Ok I know it took a little longer than usual, but I finally got Samantha's two year old pictures taken. They were worth the wait because we think they turned out great. It was actually the very first photo shoot of her life that she smiled from the very beginning all the way to the end. She was a lot of fun this time and it truly shows in her pictures. Hopefully she will do the same for Christmas pictures with Jack :0)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Amazing weather

Ok can I just say that we are having amazing weather here in Colorado. The last two days have been 70, but tomorrow it is suppose to be 40 :0( On this glorious day while Jack was in school Samantha and I decided to head to the park. She had so much fun on the swings and going down the slide. It was just such a wonderful day to be outside. We are not looking forward to tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We decided to take a trip to the pool with the kiddos and since we were all in the pool together, no pictures were taken of our fun time. The kids were great and Jack crossed the water logs while holding on to the Tarzan rope without falling into the water! Yea, he was so excited because he was not big enough the last time we were there. It was just one of those great family nights, so when we left the pool we decided it was a brownie night. At the store we found these individual packs that you can heat in the microwave and have instant brownies. Yes, they were quick and easy and the little people fell in love with them (so did Chris and I :0) We had to celebrate this new found joy and share it with the world! Yummo!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Avalanche Hockey Game

Jack's school sold Avalanche tickets for a reduced price so we thought this would be a great time for Jack to go to his first Avalanche game. Now he has been to many hockey games, but not an NHL game. He is a BIG hockey fan and we kept it a secret from him all week, but we told him that we had something special planned for him. On the night of the game he was about to explode, so at dinner Chris and I finally broke down and told him he was going to an Avalanche game. He was so excited and was grinning from ear to ear. We had such a wonderful night! The Avalanche won the game 1-0 and we got to see lots of action. The seats weren't that great, but to see Jack so happy was well worth the not so great seats! GO AVS!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Night

What a great Halloween this year! The weather was absolutely spectacular and everyone was out and about. The kids got all dressed up in their costumes and after dinner we hit the streets. Jack was an old pro so after Samantha watched at the first house she was off and running. She was so cute, she went up to the door and in her sweetest Tinker bell voice would say, "Trick or Treat" and when they put the candy in her pumpkin she lit up with joy and would yell thank you. It was absolutely adorable. The little guys made it half the way and then we let the older ones stay out longer. Jack got to go in a haunted house that one of the neighbors had made in his garage and it turned out to be his baseball coach. The night ended at the neighbors where all the mom's had decorated the basement spooky for the kiddos. I have to say this was the best Halloween in a long time and everyone had a great time!