Monday, October 27, 2008

Crazy Weekend

Man this was a busy weekend! On Saturday Jack had his last football games and his team party. He had a great year and learned a lot to move on to tackle footbal next year. Then Chris and I had a Halloween party to attend. Let me just say he got the easy part of the costume this year so I told him next year he has to do all the work :0) We went as Marilyn Monroe and JFK and it was so much fun. We have a party every year at our neighbors house and it has been the best party of the year in the past. The family had to all recover on Sunday so it was a nice day to rest and just do house stuff. Can't wait for Friday so the kiddos can get all dressed up! I hope the weather holds for them!


Kim said...

You guys look great! Chris you look so much younger with that ugly goatee shaved off...looks like you had fun! Kim

Kara said...

I think Halloween Parties are so much fun! It's hard to come up with the perfect costume, but once the stress of that is over, it is a blast! Looks like you guys did a great job with costumes and it looks like a very fun weekend was had by all!