Monday, October 27, 2008

Crazy Weekend

Man this was a busy weekend! On Saturday Jack had his last football games and his team party. He had a great year and learned a lot to move on to tackle footbal next year. Then Chris and I had a Halloween party to attend. Let me just say he got the easy part of the costume this year so I told him next year he has to do all the work :0) We went as Marilyn Monroe and JFK and it was so much fun. We have a party every year at our neighbors house and it has been the best party of the year in the past. The family had to all recover on Sunday so it was a nice day to rest and just do house stuff. Can't wait for Friday so the kiddos can get all dressed up! I hope the weather holds for them!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mad Scientist Wins!

So tonight was Jack's Fall Festival at school so it was an opportunity to get dressed up in their Halloween costumes and have some fun. So as we got to the school we played some games, won a treat in the cake walk, and shot some hoops throught the pumpkins. The night was going great and Jack and Mommy were having a blast when it was time for the costume contest. So everyone at the school heads to the gym and they start with the boys funniest costume. Jack gets out there and the judges choose the two best and then the crowd gets to cheer for their favorite. Now Jack came up with a great costume this year to be a mad scientist. We found this crazy wig and spray painted it and it totally makes the costume! So as the crowd cheered on Dr. Sloan he won the costume contest and was so excited! He was nervous because everyone was staring at him, but also filled with joy. It was such a proud Mommy moment! Plus he won a big chocolate Hershey bar, what could be better! Happy Halloween :0)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oreo Cookie

There is nothing better than an Oreo cookie according to our little guys. They just love to pull the cookie apart and get to the white creme filling and then slowly eat the cookie. It is just pure joy in the house when it is almost time for bed and they choose an Oreo cookie for their bed time snack. They love to sit next to each other and and get all ooyie and gooyie with the black cookie all over their faces and then have to hop in the bath because its all over :0) They are just so cute though!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Yes, it was only 40 degrees outside, but it was the best day at the pumpkin patch. To watch the kiddos wander around the patch in complete ahh at all the pumpkins and to see their smiles made it worth it. Jack wanted to find the perfectly round pumpkin and Samantha was happy with finding the littlest one she could so she could carry it herself. The kids were covered in mud by the end and we all had red noses, but we all were very happy! It is one of the many traditions that we love in October and to top it off all the trees were turning amazing colors. To end out our journey we stopped for some hot choclate before returning home.