Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Girls Night Out

On Saturday some girlfriends and I went to a comedy show for girls only. It was all about what its like to grow up in a girls world. They read from their diaries, talked about boys, pantyhoses, and yes feminine products. It was a comedy show so it was very funny. For the Louk ladies I think if this show comes to Iowa you should have your own ladies night out because it is hilarious! Yes, my darling husband gave me the night off and he even took the kiddos to the pool and they had their own amazingly fun evening. He's such a great hubby and dad! Chris loved the night as much as I did because Jack and Samantha had such a fun time at the pool and Jack is now tall enough to cross the moving logs with the rope all by himself. Yea!


KKF said...

This looks like so much fun! I hope it does come to Iowa!
Good job Chris on being a great daddy...I didn't doubt that for a minute.
Love you guys!

Kara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kara said...

Ok that is my post above...I was logged on with my school acount so it says KKF...sorry!

Karen said...

Flag football and can't get any better. Can't believe Samantha is 2! What a beauty. Jack looks so old. Give us the info on Girls Night Out.
We will look for it in the area.