Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our kiddos

Well here it is, we are going to try our hand at a blog as well because of you Kara. When we received your blog it made us so happy to see our family and what was going on in your world so we thought we would follow in your footsteps and join the blog train. It was an added bonus when Kamber started one as well so we thought it was our turn. We hope you all enjoy and you keep blogging because it has made Chris feel so much closer to his Iowa family and that means a lot to him. It make take us a while to get the hang of it, but we look forward to the challenge! We love you all and we hope all is well with everyone.


ittybittyandpretty said...

found your blog just by chance, i too have just started up a blog and the best bit is getting comments! it is like opening a present:) good luck to you and your lovely family x rosey

Kara said...

I am so glad you are starting a blog! I can keep in touch with you guys so much better. I can't believe how long Samantha's hair is from last summer! Your kiddos are so cute!
Love Kara

katie said...

Wowie, your kids are sooooo adorable. Jack has glasses and is looking gooood and Samantha has such long hair. Miss you and hugs and kisses all around


katie said...

wowie!!! Jack has glasses and Samantha has such long hair. Your kids are sooooo adorable! I can't wait to keep looking at your updates. Miss you all, hugs and kisses


AudraBurgos said...

Hey Jen!
It's cousin Audra. I saw cousin Janet this morning and I asked her how you were doing. She gave me your blog website so I could see your family. Wow! The kids are so precious! Your daughter looks just like you with blonde hair. And your son is so handsome, just like his daddy. :) It was nice to see your family photos. Keep in touch.
Luv Audra