Monday, February 25, 2013

Okay so I know its been some time since I have blogged, but I could not get into the blog to post anything new.  The site had locked up our blog and it took me some time to get into it, but I am back.  Its hard to believe its been almost a year since my last post.  So here it goes, Jack turned 11 last week and its hard to believe what an amazing young man he is turning into.  He learned to snowboard this year and after his first lesson he was hooked.  Jack has been working very hard to get ready for baseball season to begin.  We are excited to cheer the Hammers on!  Samantha is six and loves being a big first grader at school.  She has also had an exciting sports month with being asked to join the Senior D Team for Adrenaline gymnastics.  She is our little gymnast and she loves every minute of it.  Now if we could just keep her feet on the ground and stop her from flipping all over the house we would be good.  We don't know how we will top going to Boston last year, but we are looking forward to exporing some more states to knock off our list of 51.  Hope all is well with everyone and hopefully all the bugs are out of the blog and I can do a better job of keeping up :0)