Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spirit Week

The kiddos love spirit week at school because they get to dress crazy and do fun things at school. The first day was crazy hair day and probably the one the kids like the best. Jack wanted a colored mohawk and Samantha wanted colored hair. The other days involved pajama day, sports day and of course Redstone day. The kids had some of the best crazy hair at the school and they were both pulled out of their classes to have their pictures taken for the yearbook. It was a fun week and they are already talking about what they are going to do for spirit week in the spring time :0)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are you ready for some football...

Well football season has begun here in beautiful Colorado and Jack is ready for a great season. The Mustangs are returning twelve players from last year and will have ten new ones. The veterans are going to have to step up and help the new guys out to learn the system quickly to have a successful season. Now while Jack is a baseball guy, he loves the game of football. He has gone out this year with a fire we love to see. He has been a hard hitter and someone who can lay down a great block. Jack plays on both defense and offense and is looking for his next tackle that causes a fumble or a quarterback sack! There is also the run down the field for a great catch as well. We love the fall time air and the smell of the grass that means its time to play some football! Let's go Mustangs and get it done this year! Go #4!