Thursday, June 30, 2011


Samantha is finally old enough to be like her brother. For some time now she has asked when she can baseball like the boys. Well the time has come and she has loved it! She is playing on her first t-ball team with her cousin Brody. They both look so cute in their Texas orange jerseys and have really seemed to catch on to the game quickly. Samantha is a lefty but she bats right handed. Once she learned what she was suppose to do she was off hitting the ball and fielding her grounders. It has been a lot of fun watching these two be like their big brothers :0)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Day of School

It feels like this school year just flew by! Here we are in the beginning of July and Jack is no longer a third grader and Samantha is moving on to kindergarten. This was a fun and great year for both the kids. Samantha finished up last week and Jack still had another week. The week was filled with cleaning up and throwing things out, but most of all lots of fun. On the last day of school the kids had a pizza party and games outside with their friends. They enjoyed their last story time with Ms. Coulter and Jack enjoyed hanging out with some of his friends, but most of all "The Crew." The crew is Jack's closest friends and he is most happiest when with them. Another school year down and ready for some fun in the sun of summer!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Tournament

For Memorial Day we loaded up the car and drove to Fort Collins for Jack's baseball tournament. The weather was nice and held out for us and the kids played some great baseball. The first day we played two games and won one 17-8 and the other 16-3. We moved on to Sunday and won both of those games 15-4 and 18-10. The kids went into Monday on a high note being the only team to not have a loss. They played three games on Monday with the first game winning 12-6 and then the second game 11-9. There we were the only undefeated team and playing in the championship game. The boys were tired because it was the third game in a row and the seventh in three days, but they came out in the first inning and scored seven runs. Everything was going our way and then we had that one bad inning and that's all it took and we ended up losing the game in extra innings by one run. The boys were devastated, but they have a lot to be proud of. They played hard and they were the BEST team in the tournament of fifteen teams. They got some nice hardware and we are so proud of the Hammers!