Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pre-K Graduation

Well the time has come for our baby to move on to....elementary school and she couldn't be more excited! Samantha finished Pre-K this week and though she will miss Ms. Peg and Ms. Brooke, she cannot wait to go to kindergarten like the "big" kids. The celebration was full of games and fun parachute time and ended with a video and certificate. Its hard to believe "our baby" is no longer a baby anymore. The time has gone by so quickly for her and soon we will be sending her off to kindergarten. We are very proud of you Samantha!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jack's First Communion

What an amazing day! Its hard to believe our little man is now so grown up. Today he took his first communion and throughout the entire process he has been so focused and proud of what he was doing. Jack was nervous during the rehearsal the night before, but on the actual day he was calm as can be. Chris and I were so very proud of him to see what an amazing young boy he has turned into. To believe that he is nine and has so much wisdom and faith already. It was great to have both his Godfather, Brian, and his Godmother, Kim, there with him. It was truly a wonderful day and we are so blessed to have such an incredible son!