Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Every year we get our eggs and get ready to dye them for Easter time. The kids love to dye the eggs and they take such pride in their creations. Samantha wanted to put stickers of hers and Jack made mulit-colored eggs. For Easter Sunday we all got dressed in our best and headed off to church. The church was decorated so lovely and it was a wonderful mass. Then it was off to Mimi and Pa's house for an egg hunt and some yummy food. The kids were spoiled as usual and got a ton of candy! We all were excited because we got to eat sweets and have some chocolate. It was a wonderful Easter spent with loving family.

Monday, April 18, 2011

First time soccer player

Samantha wanted to give soccer a try this spring so we signed her up. Now before we could start we had to have the right gear: the pink ball, the pink shin guards and the pink and black cleats...yes everything pink! She did look pretty cute though and to see the smile on her face made it all worth it. Samantha had one practice and then it was game time. They played four eight minute quarters with no true goalie, but a lot of the ball going out of bounds. Samantha did great, she was in the mix the entire time and she even had a breakaway, but missed the net. Her team won 7-5 and her first soccer experience was a success! It was so much fun to watch.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Avalanche game

All season we have been talking about going to a hockey game as a family and finally the day had come. Jack and Samantha were so excited to go to the Pepsi Center and see the ice rink and the zambonie of course. The Avalanche played the Calgary Flames and it has been a rough season for the Av's. They played well, but they just looked flat. The kids loved all the music and the hard hitting against the boards. They always make the games fun so the game moved quickly. The kids tried to catch shirts in the crowd and catch Chipolte gift cards from the burrito blimp. Even though the Av's lost the game 2-1 the highlight of the night was meeting Bernie the Saint Bernard mascot before we left :0)

Monday, April 4, 2011


Well it was kind of a bummer spring break with both Chris and Jack being really sick with strep, but we did make it to the museaum to check out the new pirates exhibit. We were all very excited to get out of the house and learn about some pirates. The exhibit started on a boat called the Wyndah and the entire story of how it was taken by men who were in turn called pirates. The kids loved looking at all the artifacts they collected from the ocean off of Cape Cod and walking on the boat of actual pirates. We also got to enjoy some other exhibits at the museam like the dinosaurs and space. There is nothing better than a day at the museum with the family!