Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring time

Well the sun has finally come out and the kids have been so excited because they could play outside with their friends. Both kiddos grabbed their helmets and scooters and they were out the garage as fast as possible. It was great to see all the smiles on the kids faces because the sun was out and it wasn't cold. We have had a long winter so we are all looking forward to spring time. I love to watch Samantha concentrate so much when riding her scooter, while Jack is just a maniac on his :0) We had a great afternoon outside. Bring on spring time!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring baseball in the snow

Well baseball is here, but the cold weather is still here as well. This weekend Jack's team played in a tournament and on Saturday morning there was still snow in the outfield. Jack and his teammates were freeezing needless to say, but they did well. They walked away with two wins and one loss placing them in the Majors division. Looking forward to the season and the sunshine!