Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Dance Recital

It was a very exciting Saturday for Samantha. It was her first dance recital with her dance class and she couldn't wait to put on her dance costume and get all made up. She looked so sweet in her bright pink puffy leotard with the big skirt. She had to sit for a while to get all the curls in her hair, but she was not getting up for anything. Then the big moment a little bit of blush and some very shiny lip gloss. She was beaming with excitement. We were so proud of her because from the moment she got on stage she was in her element. The music started and she was off, she did all her moves and even finished with a kiss to the crowd (it was part of the dance). Daddy brought the big star some beautiful flowers (thanks Mimi) and she was so happy and proud of herself. We think we have a dancer on our hands! Can't wait for more recitals!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July

We love the Fourth of July because its all about barbecues, family and friends, and lots of fireworks. We had a block party and all the kids were so great. Everyone was happy and there were no tears! The one that tried to ruin our great night was rain. It rained for some time here but that didn't stop us. The kids lit of every firework they could find. The some what "grown ups" had just as fun of a time, actually I think the Dad's may of had the best time. They were like kids themselves, but it was great to watch! It was truly a great night to celebrate the red, white and blue!