Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 2 Disneyland

Ok now that the kiddos now what Disneyland had to offer there was no stopping them today. Samantha started her day off getting made up like a princess. She was so in her element, they did her hair, painted her nails and then they put make-up on her. While Samantha and I were at the boutique Chris and Jack were off riding the Indiana Jones adventure, the bobsleds and Splash Mountain. Once Samantha was finished we all walked over to California Adventure because Samantha was having lunch with the princesses. Before that it was time for Jack to experience his first REAL roller coaster. The Screamin' Californian was awesome, it went really fast and upside down. Jack came off wanting to go again and again! While Samantha and I were off having lunch with the princesses Chris and Jack were all over the rides. Once we got back together it was time for the Tower of Terror and the Pixar parade. Then it was back to Disneyland to ride all the rides for the rest of the night. We rode Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, Autopia, Space Mountain, Captain EO, Tomorrowland...needless to say we rode it all. At the end of the night while Jack and I were in line for Space Mountain they made everyone get off the ride because there was an earthquake. Yes were experienced our first earthquake, a 5.2 one I might add. Chris says we didn't because we didn't truly feel it, but the kids and I think that counts if they had to kick us off the ride because if it :0) So much fun and tomorrow we are moving on to San Diego!

Day 1 Disneyland

Well with school finally out it was time to hit the road and make our trip to Disneyland. Our first day there we went to the park and it was so exciting to see the kids faces as they got to meet the characters and they were part of the Disney parade Conga line and danced with Woody from Toy Story. Both kiddos got their first Mickey and Minnie ears personalized with their names, they looked so cute! We rode our first rides that night and the fireworks show at the end of the night was simply amazing! It was so so much fun watching the kids take it all in and be so happy to be at the park. We did not leave the park until about 11:00 pm and the kids were exhausted, but running on aderaline. Right when we got back to the hotel they crashed and dreamed about all they had left to see the next day at Disneyland. Can't wait for tomorrow!