Monday, August 30, 2010

Samantha's Birthday

We can't believe that our baby is not a baby anymore! Samantha turned four years old on Friday the 27th. She has become quite the little lady. She shared her day with loving on Strawberry Shortcake, but her true excitement came when she got her American doll. We picked a doll that looked like her and she has not put her down since she got her. She had been wanting her for so long it was great to see her so happy. The time sure does fly by with the second child more than the first. They are both so big now and so many exciting new things to come! Happy birthday sweet princess, we love you so!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to School

Well the time has come when the kiddos head back to school and the days begin to have a little chill in the air. Summer seems to have gone by so quickly this year and it makes us sad. Jack is excited to start third grade because he is no longer considered one of the "little kids" at school. The third graders are on the upper floor with the fourth and fifth graders and that is a big deal. Samantha couldn't be more excited to be at the same school with Jack. She finally feels like she is part of the "school" kids and she is loving Ms. Peg! We think it is going to be an amazing school year for both of them and we are very excited!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Dance Recital

It was a very exciting Saturday for Samantha. It was her first dance recital with her dance class and she couldn't wait to put on her dance costume and get all made up. She looked so sweet in her bright pink puffy leotard with the big skirt. She had to sit for a while to get all the curls in her hair, but she was not getting up for anything. Then the big moment a little bit of blush and some very shiny lip gloss. She was beaming with excitement. We were so proud of her because from the moment she got on stage she was in her element. The music started and she was off, she did all her moves and even finished with a kiss to the crowd (it was part of the dance). Daddy brought the big star some beautiful flowers (thanks Mimi) and she was so happy and proud of herself. We think we have a dancer on our hands! Can't wait for more recitals!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth of July

We love the Fourth of July because its all about barbecues, family and friends, and lots of fireworks. We had a block party and all the kids were so great. Everyone was happy and there were no tears! The one that tried to ruin our great night was rain. It rained for some time here but that didn't stop us. The kids lit of every firework they could find. The some what "grown ups" had just as fun of a time, actually I think the Dad's may of had the best time. They were like kids themselves, but it was great to watch! It was truly a great night to celebrate the red, white and blue!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 2 Disneyland

Ok now that the kiddos now what Disneyland had to offer there was no stopping them today. Samantha started her day off getting made up like a princess. She was so in her element, they did her hair, painted her nails and then they put make-up on her. While Samantha and I were at the boutique Chris and Jack were off riding the Indiana Jones adventure, the bobsleds and Splash Mountain. Once Samantha was finished we all walked over to California Adventure because Samantha was having lunch with the princesses. Before that it was time for Jack to experience his first REAL roller coaster. The Screamin' Californian was awesome, it went really fast and upside down. Jack came off wanting to go again and again! While Samantha and I were off having lunch with the princesses Chris and Jack were all over the rides. Once we got back together it was time for the Tower of Terror and the Pixar parade. Then it was back to Disneyland to ride all the rides for the rest of the night. We rode Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, Autopia, Space Mountain, Captain EO, Tomorrowland...needless to say we rode it all. At the end of the night while Jack and I were in line for Space Mountain they made everyone get off the ride because there was an earthquake. Yes were experienced our first earthquake, a 5.2 one I might add. Chris says we didn't because we didn't truly feel it, but the kids and I think that counts if they had to kick us off the ride because if it :0) So much fun and tomorrow we are moving on to San Diego!

Day 1 Disneyland

Well with school finally out it was time to hit the road and make our trip to Disneyland. Our first day there we went to the park and it was so exciting to see the kids faces as they got to meet the characters and they were part of the Disney parade Conga line and danced with Woody from Toy Story. Both kiddos got their first Mickey and Minnie ears personalized with their names, they looked so cute! We rode our first rides that night and the fireworks show at the end of the night was simply amazing! It was so so much fun watching the kids take it all in and be so happy to be at the park. We did not leave the park until about 11:00 pm and the kids were exhausted, but running on aderaline. Right when we got back to the hotel they crashed and dreamed about all they had left to see the next day at Disneyland. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tonsils and Adenoids Surgery

Our sweet little Samantha had to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out this week. Her pediatrician said even though she has not been sick, her tonsils are so big that they are touching one another and it could cause problems in the future. So after a lot of back and forth we decided it would be best for them to come out. Chris and I were at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning and when they gave Samantha the "happy juice" it was like looking into a crystal ball to an eighteen year old girl that had came home drunk and everything was hilarious. Samantha was so happy and giggly that when the time came to go to the operating room she climed in the wagon and away we went. The surgery was quick and when Dr. Woodson came to talk to us she said Samantha had an 80% airway obstruction from her adenoids plus the enlarged tonsils. Chris and I were so relieved that we made the right choice and we can't wait until she feels better because it has to be such a great feeling to her to be able to breathe now! She has been amazing through this whole process and we are sooo proud of her!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of Preschool

So Thursday was Samantha's last day of preschool. She has really enjoyed meeting new friends and learning what school is all about. She enjoyed making art projects the most and playing with the good smelling play do. For the last day of school picnic all the kids made handprint shirts with their classmates fingerprints on them as well. They turned out sooo sute! Next year for Pre-K she will finally be at Redstone with Jack. It will be great to have the two of them at the same school! For now its summer break time, bring on the fun!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Field Day Fun!

We love Field Day! It is such a great memory from our childhood that when the end of the school year rolls around we look forward to this day. Jack has come to love it as much as we do. This year field day had been cancelled twice due to the weather so we were happy to finally get it in. New to field day this year was the large super stackers. The kids were so good at it, we were amazed. Our favorite relay was the water relay of course because there is water involved :0) To end the day all the kiddos got to enjoy otter pops and they spent the whole day outside. There is nothing better than seeing the huge smile on Jack's face at the end of the day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baseball is here!

Yeah we are so excited for some baseball! Yes spring baseball is here and Jack is loving it! He has played some amazing baseball already, but still has a lot of learning to do. He split his first two games, winning the first and losing the second. He has gone 4-4 and made some great defensive plays for outs. Jack likes to play short stop or second base the best and has done very well at those positions. To see his intensity for the game get more and more is great. Lots more baseball to come. GO WARRIORS!