Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mustangs Football

Wow what a year Jack's football team had. They went into the season being the smallest team in the league by size with no patched members (kids over 70 pounds) and came out in the second round of playoffs! They fought hard this weekend and ended up havng to play two games. Our guys were sore, but man did they fight hard. Chris and I are so proud of our "little" guy because it was his first year of tackle football and he is night and day from when he started in August. He went up against kids that were a good twenty pounds heavier than he was most of the time and he came out on top. There is something so amazing about watching your child succeed even when they lose. Jack loved the game of football from the time he was little, he now has a passion for it that will be fun to watch in the future. Now its time for a little down time and then its off to the batting cages to get ready for baseball season :0) We are so proud of Jack! Watch out Bulldogs, the Mustangs are coming back stronger next year! GO MUSTANGS!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween

Man we all were a little scared that the kiddos would not get to go trick or treating after school closing for three days and twenty five inches of snow had fallen. But the show must go on and the day actually ended up being beautiful! The kiddos got all dressed up in their jailbird costume and Minnie Mouse and away they went. The night was filled with friends, great costumes, and lots of smiles! It is always so much fun to see the costumes that come to the door, but it is even better when you go trick or treating and people have great comments for your kiddos. Jack and Samantha had another great Halloween. Its hard to believe its November though! Where does the time go......