Monday, April 27, 2009

Field Day

What is more fun then field day at the end of the year. Yes, in another month it will be that time of year for Jack. He was so excited to participate in field day with his class. They had all kinds of activities planned. They started their day at the rock wall climb, moved to Mission Impossible, off to the water relay, crazy three legged race, pumping parachute, silly squirt gun tag, and last but most fun the tug o war. Thankfully it was a beautiful day for the kids and Jack had so much fun! He loved the water relay and the tug o war the best, (except that the girls kicked the boys butts!) What a better way to end the day then ice cold otter pops! It was a fun day for all of us because Samantha got to be at school with Jack and cheer him on with Daddy :0)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dying eggs for the Easter Bunny

Its hard to believe that it is already April! That just means that its time to color some eggs and see the Easter Bunny! The kiddos were so excited to color eggs that we did them before we went to see the Easter Bunny so they could tell him that their eggs were all ready for him. Samantha loved being able to drop the eggs in the dye and Jack was very creative this year wanting to do more than one color on his eggs. Once our eggs were completed it was time to go see the Easter Bunny. When we got there Samantha was waving and all happy until it was time to sit on his lap. Jack being the wonderful big brother that he is, sat down first and told Samantha he would hold her hand. She was funny because she would not sit next to him :0) So the Sloan house is now ready for the Easter Bunny to visit us!