Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Busy, Busy!

WOW! We have been crazy busy here! It feels like we have not posted in forever. So the kids have been great just moving along doing their thing. Chris is constantly busy saving the world and I have to say I feel much safer knowing he is protecting us :0) I have been going at both ends as well, but that's just how it goes. Last week we had three days of 70 degree weather and we were very spoiled because on Sunday it snowed and the high in the morning was like 3 degrees. It was a nice stress relief to have dinner with the girls and daddy had drinks with the boys. We are looking forward to the Super Bowl and we are rooting for the underdog- GO CARDS!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

PINK sparkly cast

So today was the day Samantha got her PINK cast. When she got up in the morning she was ready to go. The doctor had told her that he would have some glitter to make her cast sparkly and man did she remember that. When we got to the doctor's office she was so excited and very happy. Once she got up on the chair it all turned to curiosity. She watched very intently while they prepared her arm for the PINK cast and even told the nurse that you don't wear socks on your arms because the nurse had told her thats what she was putting on for the lining. Once the doctor finished wrapping her arm she stared at her PINK cast in amazement. She was so excited that she showed all the nurses in the office and of course she got all the cool toys out of the treasure chest. Samantha seems much better now that her arm is supported and she won't bonk it and hurt herself. We have to say though that is one PINK cast, but the sparkles are adorable :0)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poor Samantha!

It was a very sad day on Tuesday. In the morning Samantha does a gymnastics class and on this morning she was very happy and having a great time. We were running through the obstacle course and she was about to climb up on the balance beam when she tripped on the mat and as she braced her fall her arm got caught under her. She must of felt it right away because she cried instantly and she was done with gymnastics. We went home and she seemed to be ok, just not using her arm very much. As the day went on we decided we should get it looked at and low and behold she had a buckle fracture in two bones in her arm. So they gave her a soft cast to let the swelling happen and then on Thursday she will get a hard cast. She was such a trooper and very tough! It was harder on mom and dad I think :0)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone. We can't believe that it is 2009 already. We look forward to all the wonderful things that this year is going to bring us and all those close to us. We hope you all start the year off right and do something for yourself. Then hug those closest to you and tell them you love them, after that have fun together! There is nothing better than spending time with those that make you happy. Smile a lot in 2009 because it can only make you a better person and those around you happier as well. We hope we get the chance to see some of you in this upcoming year. We feel very blessed to have you all in our lives! We rang in the New Year with our friends and had a great time!