Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas day was finally here. The kids had been anxiously counting down the days on their snowman calendar and finally it was here. Chris and I woke up to the sound of little feet running across the hardwood and as we left our room we looked downstairs and the two of them were sitting by the Christmas tree with their laptop computers open. They were talking with each other and having such a great time. It was truly what Christmas morning is all about. The kiddos finished opening their presents and man did they make out. We all received a Wii gaming system from Al and Jeanne, but Jack was the most excited! He wanted to hook it up immediately. Samantha was so happy she got her Barbies and earrings. It was nice to just be home and watch them enjoy their new toys. We went to my mom and dad's for dinner and we had a Wii bowling challenge there. Needless to say it was a great Christmas for all of us! Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we went to my mom and dad's house for dinner. The kids looked so cute all dressed up for the holidays. They were so excited to open presents and get things ready for Santa to come visit. We got an extra special treat this year, Santa came to our house at ten o'clock at night to see the children! They were so surprised and in awe they did not know what to say. It was so sweet to see Samantha tell Santa to come inside because she had just poured him some milk. Jack looked in his eyes and told him what a good boy he had been and then with that they said good bye to Dasher and Santa was back to delivering presents. The kids were so amazed that they immediately ran upstairs to their beds and it was lights out! It was truly a magical experience.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gingerbread house

Every year we have a neighborhood book exchange where all the kids draw names and then they buy books for each other and have a party. This year we decided to create gingerbread houses for every house in the cul du sac and make a gingerbread replica of our neighborhood. Well I try not to complaion about crafts, but this one was a pain! The icing would not stick to the house and half of the candy would not stay on. I thought is was just me, but most of the other mom's had the same problem. In the end it all worked out like it always does and the finished product was great. To see all the houses lined up was so much fun for the kids and the grown ups. Not sure if this tradition will stick around though :0)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa Visit

One of our favorite things to do at the holiday times is to go visit Santa Claus. The kiddos were so excited that we barely made it through dinner before they were going to burst. We had dinner with our friends the Brassell's and then we all headed over to wait in line to see the big guy. The kids were really good while we waited and once we saw the pictures it was well worth the wait. Jack hoped right up next to Santa and told him his deep desire to have an Apple computer and while Samantha was a little more timid, she did not hesitate to tell Santa that she would like earrings and a Barbie. It was so sweet to see both of their eyes sparkle at the thought that the Santa elf was going to go back to the "real" Santa and let him know that they have been good and they will share with each other. It has been such a hectic week that this moment made up for it all.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hockey Night

As you all can tell we love hockey in the Sloan household. So we decided it was time that Samantha experience her first real hockey game. We went to a college game at Denver University and she loved it! They always play cool music and everytime DU scored she would yell "GOAL" and start jumping around! Both Jack and Samantha have been big hockey fans since they were little guys and it was great to be able to take them to see a live game. As you see what can be better at a hockey game than cotton candy. We all had a blast!