Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Girls Night Out

On Saturday some girlfriends and I went to a comedy show for girls only. It was all about what its like to grow up in a girls world. They read from their diaries, talked about boys, pantyhoses, and yes feminine products. It was a comedy show so it was very funny. For the Louk ladies I think if this show comes to Iowa you should have your own ladies night out because it is hilarious! Yes, my darling husband gave me the night off and he even took the kiddos to the pool and they had their own amazingly fun evening. He's such a great hubby and dad! Chris loved the night as much as I did because Jack and Samantha had such a fun time at the pool and Jack is now tall enough to cross the moving logs with the rope all by himself. Yea!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Wow! Those Broncos sure like to keep us on the edge of our seats! They went down to the wire again thios weekend and almost didn't win the game. We love our Broncos here and so in the true spirit of Sunday afternoon we all got in our Broncos gear to cheer them on. Chris went to the game with his friend Jason and said it was so loud inside that he woun't be able to hear for a week. We love it when the Broncos win and the fall day was great as well. There is nothing better in September than family time and the Broncos. Hope everyone had as great of a weekend! Happy fall and go Broncos!

Monday, September 8, 2008


What a great weekend. Jack had a football game and he played awesome! It is so much fun to finally see them get the play and do it right for a touchdown. He pulled some flags this game and played good defense. As far as the offense, well he was center so he didn't get many chances to score himself, but he was part of the scoring. To see the concentration on his face when he is thinking about a play or he is gearing up to pull some flags is just amazing. It was a fun weekend of family time together. We really didn't do that much, but that was the best part!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First dance class

Oh my goodness, I just couldn't resist posting these pictures of Samantha's first dance class. She was so excited to finally be two years old and be able to take the class. She got all dressed up in her leotard and tights and we couldn't help ourselves with the leg warmers :0) When she got to class she was a little shy, but by the end of the class she was dancng with the best of them. When we returned home she danced around the house for the rest of the afternoon. We look forward to many more dance recitals around the house and hopefully at the studio as well.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Block Party

Well its hard to believe that September is here, but it is. The tempature is dropping and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colors. So what better time than now to have an end of the summer block party. The night started off will some rain and it got chilly, but once that rain stopped everyone was outside for some fun. The kids rode their bikes and the adults got is some much needed adult conversation. The kids always enjoy it when we all get together and just hang out in the cul du sac. We shared some Tinkerbell cupcakes with the kids from Samantha's birthday and Jack had a blast with his friends. It was a nice four day weekend for Chris and I :0)