Saturday, August 30, 2008

Samantha's 2nd Birthday

It's hard to believe that Samantha is two years old! We celebrated her birthday on Wednesday and she was so excited. She is all about Tinkerbell right now so everything had to be "TINK" She is our little jibber jabber and can always be heard singing. This week she sang happy birthday to herself and then would laugh. Its amazing how smart they are at such a young age. Jack is always great with her (ok the majority of the time :0) and she just adores him and follows him everywhere. We had a lot of fun watching the two of them play together and open Samantha's presents as a team. Wow has this summer flown by, we can't believe that fall is in the air here already. It's Labor day weekend so we get a three day weekend which is always great! Not sure what we are going to do, but we hope all have a great long weekend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our kiddos

Well here it is, we are going to try our hand at a blog as well because of you Kara. When we received your blog it made us so happy to see our family and what was going on in your world so we thought we would follow in your footsteps and join the blog train. It was an added bonus when Kamber started one as well so we thought it was our turn. We hope you all enjoy and you keep blogging because it has made Chris feel so much closer to his Iowa family and that means a lot to him. It make take us a while to get the hang of it, but we look forward to the challenge! We love you all and we hope all is well with everyone.