Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Well the day came that we did not think we were going to have to do...yes you guessed it or not, Jack got braces today.  We have always thought his teeth were straight and looked pretty good.  Well now that he has lost all of his teeth it seems he has what they call a "deep bite."  His top teeth completely cover his bottom teeth so they have to fix his bite so in the future he will not have problems.  I have to say the process went very smoothly and quickly.  By the time Chris and I had paid for the braces Jack already had two brackets on.  He looks very handsome and older.  He handled it like a pro.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Okay so I know its been some time since I have blogged, but I could not get into the blog to post anything new.  The site had locked up our blog and it took me some time to get into it, but I am back.  Its hard to believe its been almost a year since my last post.  So here it goes, Jack turned 11 last week and its hard to believe what an amazing young man he is turning into.  He learned to snowboard this year and after his first lesson he was hooked.  Jack has been working very hard to get ready for baseball season to begin.  We are excited to cheer the Hammers on!  Samantha is six and loves being a big first grader at school.  She has also had an exciting sports month with being asked to join the Senior D Team for Adrenaline gymnastics.  She is our little gymnast and she loves every minute of it.  Now if we could just keep her feet on the ground and stop her from flipping all over the house we would be good.  We don't know how we will top going to Boston last year, but we are looking forward to exporing some more states to knock off our list of 51.  Hope all is well with everyone and hopefully all the bugs are out of the blog and I can do a better job of keeping up :0)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Moab, Utah

We decided to spend Spring Break in Moab, Utah this year. We are still making our way to all 51 states and Utah had not been crossed off yet so away we went. The boys loaded up their bikes and we all hit the road. The drive to Moab is not long, only about five and a half hours so we were there in a flash. Once there we were off adventuring to the Arches National Park and saw amazing views and places I didn't even know existed. They were absolutely amazing! The kids enjoyed hiking all over Moab in the Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point. The highlight for Jack's trip was mountain biking Slick Rock with Dad and Samantha loved playing in the soft, fine sand in the Sand Dunes while hiking. Short trip, but lots of memories and a great time!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Circus is in Town

Samantha loves kindergarten and being at school like her big brother. All the kindergarten classes did a performance of the circus cooming to town and Samantha was a prancing pony. The kids had costumes and they learned songs to celebrate the circus coming to kindergarten. She did great and looked so cute. She also had her BFF, Leah, there with her as a tight rope walker. They both looked so cute! These are the great memories we will take away from kindergarten. It is hard to believe the year is almost over when it seems like it just started. Hard to believe she will be moving on to first grade and Jack will be a fifth grader! The time is definitley flying by.......

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The day has come and our firsst born is in double digits! Jack was so excited for his birthday this year because he turned ten. It was a big day for him and he couldn't wait to share the day with his family. We celebrated the night with a family dinner, cake and yes 10 presents from mom and dad. Jack was spoiled by Mimi and Pa and the rest of the family, but he was most happy about his new phone. Yes, he got a new phone and it was like someone gave him a brand new car or a million dollars. The smile on his face made it all worth it! Now time for the friends party and some more fun times! Can't believe Jack is 10!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

The kids were praying for a snow day and the weatherman was saying we could get up to three feet of snow the recipe for some good snow fun was set, all we had to do was wait and see. YES, it was a snow day and there was going to be lots of snow fun. Now Jack could stay out in the snow for six hours and not think twice about it. Samantha in the other hand, she is more like her dad and loves the snow from inside her warm cozy home. The time it takes her to get all bundled up feels like a waster when after maybe twenty minutes she is done sledding and its times to return to the comfort of her warm home. At least she had a blast for twenty minutes :0) The snow day was great and even dad played in the snow with the snowblower. Now we just want it to melt!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We love us some football in the Sloan household and this year has been no exception. The Broncos had a rough start to the season, but since Tim Tebow came along it has been pretty exciting! The Tebow fever is alive and well here too and we love to watch what he can do on a football field. He has brought excitement back to Colorado and the Broncos! The past two weeks, Friday has been Orange Friday and celebrate the Bronocos day. The kids love to wear their jerseys and support their team. No one thought we could beat the Steelers and we did. We knew the Patriots were going to be tough, but the Broncos had the support of the whole town. Even though the game did not go our way, we still support our beloved Broncos!